Thursday, June 06, 2019

10 Second Anime - Bungou Stray Dogs - Episode 33

Fyodor's plot pits the Port Mafia and Armed Detectives against each other by targeting their bosses.

Episode 33 - "The Masked Assassin"


After coming back to the present from the prologue, it feels like the previous episodes have really set up the next action oriented episodes. What do we know? We know that Fyodor wants to rid the world of Gifted by getting the same legendary Book that Francis is after. We also know that Fyodor knows pretty much all the abilities of the Port Mafia after he took out that yacht guy. Plus, we know that Fyodor lies about everything.

What else do we know? We know there are a bunch of Guild guys running around like Lucy, Louisa, and Francis, which explains why we have Nathaniel Hawthorne getting caught up in Fyodor's plot. We know that the Port Mafia and the Armed Detectives have a truce, so something big would have to happen to break that. And finally, we know that Kyouka and Atsushi have become very comfortable with their abilities.

Obviously, it's time to knock over these dominoes we've set up and see the magic happen!


There's a bit of a mystery at first, because we have this masked assassin killing Gifted, and now he's gone after Fukuzawa, the head of the Armed Detective Agency.

Dazai knows the Port Mafia are going to go after this masked killer.

Mori is hanging out with Elise doing a lot of shopping. She calls him Rintarou, which is the real name of Ougai Mori the author, Rintarou Mori.

Elise was also the name of the character from "The Dancing Girl," Mori's story about a bad relationship between a German girl and a Japanese student in Berlin.

I follow this story only through the anime, so I'm just speculating, but it appears Elise and Mori are very intertwined. Is she like Kyouka's ability Demon Snow, but with much more personality?

And their car blew up, but Elise got Mori out of there before they got injured.

Ah. This was all an operation to target the masked assassin.

Dazai has figured everything out already. Where is he going next?

Akutagawa goes after the masked assassin and discovers he's Nathaniel Hawthorne. He calls him "irmão," which is Portuguese for "brother." I think the real Akutagawa got a lot of his notions of Christianity from Portuguese missionaries in China.

We know Fyodor likes to manipulate people, but Hawthorne seems to be a bad case. He thinks he's doing these things to help Margaret Mitchell, but he doesn't even recognize Akutagawa as the one who hurt her when she stepped in front of one of his attacks to save him.

Elise does not like Mori's explanation to the cop that she put orange juice in the car's gas tank, causing it too blow up.

And that cop is Fyodor, finishing his operation against the Port Mafia Boss.

Fyodor's hat is missing. Guess who has it.

Both Fyodor and Dazai predicted each other's movements, but Dazai planned on getting shot.

Dazai knows a lot about this Book Fyodor and Francis are looking for.

This cannibal virus infecting Fukuzawa and Mori came from a "certain criminal." That's obviously from yacht guy's list of Port Mafia abilities. Dazai needs to get better, find this guy, and touch him with his Gift to solve the whole manufactured war.

It's clear that Chuuya and Kunikida have the respect of their peers and view them as worthy leaders, but they both don't feel ready to lead. I love this stuff.

Ranpo is good at figuring stuff out, but not good at devising strategies. Solution - let Kunikida give him the answer to how they fight the Port Mafia, and he'll solve that!

This is serious! Ranpo opened his eyes.

Chuuya respects the Armed Detectives' heavy hitters, but he's still going to fight.

Next time, this poor hospital will probably need to be rebuilt.

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