Friday, May 10, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Senryuu Shoujo - Episode 6 - Agu Bunny Squeezes One

Eiji's pet rabbit Agu has a particular skill that he practices a lot. A lot.

Eiji and Nanako make plans to meet at the park so she can see his fat bunny Agu. Eiji's little sister comes along too, so many jokes about being his girlfriend can be made.

Meanwhile, Nanako's dad is overreacting to a news article about teenagers' rebellious phases. He reminisces about Nanako growing up before he lets her go, but all the little bits of info he was adding up wrong just meant that Nanako was baking a Fathers' Day cake with some classmates after meeting Eiji's bunny. Rebellious phase nixed!

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