Friday, August 03, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Harukana Receive - Episode 5 - Haruka Mai No Forgiveness

Haruka still hasn't forgiven Mai for winning those swimsuits. Mai is still a sore winner too. Grandma thinks they get along so well...

In a nice bit of coincidence (but not really because of the Chekhov's Gun narrative device) Harukana's first opponent in the beach volleyball tournament is the AiMai pair.

Kanata knew just how to stop Haruka from fighting. I wonder how she discovered this very important weak point. I need to know for REASONS.

Harukana appears to be evenly matched against the AiMai pair because of the mix of experienced players and novices.

Mai has a backstory of being recruited to play volleyball by Ai, but losing in their own little tournament. Volleyball is supposed to be about short people defeating tall people, and Ai isn't too far wrong about that.

Meanwhile, the experienced AiMai pair appears to have adjusted to beach volleyball tactics against Harukana, especially with how Haruka hasn't gotten her block timing down yet. But Kanata has a deeper strategic plan with how she uses her pokeys. Cliffhanger!

Thankfully, we got to see Emily and Claire in action too. They drew a crowd because they're hot! Um, also because they're the runner-ups to the National Champs in their age group. Gee, I wonder who the actual champs are.

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