A big part of women's beach volleyball is slapping butts, so I'm glad Ayasa introduced Haruka to this very important congratulatory ritual.

Confirmed - Haruka is one of those genki girls who dreams of food while sleepwalking and crawling into cute cousins' beds. Nibbling might or might not be included.
Kanata's crash course on beach volleyball begins with running and diving on sand. Haruka realized that her bathing suit might not be the best thing for these kinds of movements and that tighter suits would also prevent sand getting in certain places. Kanata also has a dirtier mind than she wants to admit.
Kanata says what we've all been thinking - Haruka has a beautiful butt and she can't stop staring at it. This was all prelude to Haruka making necessary (read tight) adjustments to her suit to accommodate beach volleyball moves. And yes, unfortunately, Haruka was totally blurred out in THAT scene.
The best thing in this series so far, apart from the loving looks at backsides, is Haruka's excitable nature. Lots of fun, goofy reaction shots to be had with her, like how she just loved the idea of the "cut shot," which is a cross court spike.
It's game day, and we learned a bit of the history between Narumi and Kanata. Kanata stayed short as the pair grew up, which made her the target for beach volleyball matches. She didn't like being a burden on Narumi, but she also didn't talk to Narumi about this issue, so they broke up. Yes, there is big yuri subtext (maybe even just text) with these paired teams.
The big deal in the match was how Kanata actually received a serve for her partner, which looked like a big sign to Narumi that she just wasn't worthy enough for Kanata to break out of her comfort zone. Ayasa is looking like the rebound partner as Narumi heals her broken heart.
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