Saturday, June 23, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - Episode 13 [END] - Mejiro McQueen Smacks Gold Ship's Eye

Even right before a special race, Gold Ship has to tease Mejiro McQueen. And McQueen has to smack her in they eye as usual too.

We had a bit of a montage of how all the Spica horse girls were doing in their own races. It's not surprising at all that little kids love Gold Ship.

The reception and gate selection ceremony before the Winter Dream Trophy gave Trainer a chance to reminisce about how Team Spica got its members. I was more interested in the veteran horses like Biya Hayahide and Narita Brian.

Special Week and Silence Suzuka share the eye catch for the final episode.

Lots of buildup for the race with all the fan favorites. Symboli Rudolf was running as was the big eater Oguri Cap. Gold Ship just couldn't leave Mejiro McQueen alone, as usual.

It was a big deal for Trainer to watch his girls race each other where one could win but the rest would lose. Team Spica definitely came a long way.

The cycle continues. Trainer scouted a new horse girl even during the post race concert. This was a frame by frame duplication of how he met Special Week. What a fun sports anime show about the power of friendship and rivalry, and cute girls running in tap shoes.

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