Thursday, June 14, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Comic Girls - Episode 11 - Kaos and Nyaos Start to Cry

Nyaos-sensei is so empathetic. Both the little kitten and Kaos started to cry when they thought Ruki was leaving them.

The girls discussed what else they might do if they weren't going to me manga artists. Both Koyume and Kaos' families run sweets shops, Western and Japanese respectively, so they might form an idol unit. Suzu joined the conversation from her attic perch.

Koyume helped get Kaos fired up for another round of storyboard meetings with her editor.

As expected, Kaos was the author of the manga Comic Girls. The cutesy drawings of high school girls fit the subject matter and Kaoruko really needed a year of living with other girls to at least tell their episodic adventures.

It was quiet in the dorm as everyone waited for Kaos' editor to call.

Kaos-sensei got some good news! Her comic strip was picked up for two weeks which might lead to serialization. She's going to be a published mangaka! Suzu suddenly appeared to celebrated too. Next week is the last episode, waaa!

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