Monday, May 14, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Uma Musume - Pretty Derby - Episode 8 - Tokai Teio Drinks Sweet Sake

New Year's Eve means drinking hot non-alcoholic sake at the shrine. Thankfully, Tokai Teio did not get drunk from the sweet sake.

New Year's Eve Day also means eating hot pot. The girls went shopping, much to the pain for Trainer-san's wallet. Special Week still likes carrots, plainly. The horse girls don't like being reminded that they're no good at domestic chores.

Tokai Teio takes another turn in the eye catch. Maybe they'll start showing her run some races.

The big drama of the week was how Grass Wonder, fully recovered from her own injury, wanted to run a hard race against her friend Special Week. Unfortunately, Special Week spent too much of her time doting on Silence Suzuka instead of focusing on her own training. Besides, Grass Wonder would have been a good resource for Suzuka to tap for her rehabilitation.

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