Kaos was sure she kept seeing a terrifying ghost girl move about the dorms. The truth was scarier still!
It wasn't a ghost, but another mangaka girl who draws horror manga. She loves anyone who screams a lot.
It turns out that Suzu is a beautiful, slender girl with big boobs (Kaos thanks God again), but she much prefers the company of girls who startle easy when she suddenly appears behind them as they look at mirrors.
Nijino-sensei thinks she may have a problem because our comic girls in her homeroom class may have seen her at a cosplay event at the amusement park. Adding to the drama was Tsubasa being sleepy from working on her manuscript and requiring scolding. Ogre-sensei, punning on her name Oni-jino-sensei, could become a thing.
It turns out that Nijino-sensei is a huge fan of Tsubasa's manga and she just found out her student is the much admired Wing V-sensei. Her friend the house mother confirmed that all the girls in her class, plus Koyume who keeps popping up, lives at the mangaka girl dorm.