Sunday, May 06, 2018

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S3 - Episode 17

Hayama and Souma start their bear meat contest. It's a fist fight on a tightrope balancing the bear's strong flavors with its gaminess.

Episode 17 - "Umami Tightrope"


The scrolling picture drama continues. Two things struck me as I watched this episode. First, Hayama isn't the villainous traitor we thought he was. He's been offered to save Shiomi's spice research group under his budget as an Elite 10 Council member if he can defeat all the rebels. The problem here is that Hayama, clever as he is in the kitchen and how to combine aromas, is insufficiently skeptical of Azami's intentions to keep his promise. Souma brings up a good point, in his own villainous voice way, that he could never lose against someone who didn't put up a fight to save his cooking ideals.

The second thing I noticed is that Souma is sure to lose this round. Why? Because he went first for the judging! Unless his dish packs a surprise taste that happens several minutes after the first bite, tactically, following the conventions of this story, he's already lost. We'll have to see if Hayama made a strategic error in choosing to turn the bear meat into a southern fried steak dish that doesn't celebrate the wildness of the bear.


Ha! Souma still talks like a villain. He got the story from Hayama about how and why he took the 9th seat on the Council.

If Doujima is here and there's spa, you know what that means. Doujima fan service!

A little something, something for the ladies. Souma and Kuga get naked too. I like how Souma is mimicking each of Doujima's poses.

Alice wants EVERYONE to succeed. Souma is such a flirty flirt by saying EVERYONE the same way.

The Moon Festival appeared to be pretty successful for Hayama's team-up with Alice. The Shiomi group got all these contracts, but then Azami took over the school, and they were all cancelled. Independent groups were all banned by Central, remember?

If that's the policy by Central, how does Hayama think he's still going to have a spice research group even if he does what Azami says?

Villain Souma just fired up Hayama by calling him a "loser." Kuga doesn't think that was a good idea.

Yay! We're going to have some sexy foodgasms with these twins Cilla and Berta. They work for Leonora, Alice's mom. Nice recycled image from the 2nd season...

Oh! Even Alice's dad Soue Nakiri is judging. He loves the women in his life very much, apparently. I hope we get some Nakiri style "chest-baring" out of this match too.

Kuga's club members are thankfully around to provide the commentary.

Since Hayama is using Cajun spice on the bear meat, it works out thematically that he would choose southern chicken fried steak style. It doesn't seem to celebrate the bear taste, though.

Meanwhile, Souma doubled down on his minced-meat idea by using all the different cuts of bear meat, even using a bear-based broth before frying it all up into a breaded cutlet. Interesting how both Hayama and Souma went to battered deep frying for their dishes, but they've gone head-to-head like this before by sealing up a dish to make a taste and aroma explosion.

Uh oh. The girls want to taste Hayama's gravy. Gah! Just another reminder that the artist used to draw hentai under the name Tosh.

Okay. Bad sign that Souma is going first for judging, but there were foodgasms all over the place.

Ha! I can't remember the last time a judge just shouted into the air that food was delicious.

Hee! The girls changed their minds. Instead of rooting for the ikemen Hayama, they want to root for a manly man who takes risks, like Souma.

Nice. Even Soue goes for the chest-baring explosion.

It's all for naught, though. The second guy always wins, so it looks like certain victory for Hayama. Unless Souma remembers that the judges didn't dip their cutlets into the sauce. That would make him the last to be judged and instant winner! Hey, these are rules of Shokugeki no Souma. Don't look at me like I'm the crazy one.

Next time, Hisako looks like she ate something good and Alice looks she's about to explode too.

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