The Gremory Family faces Cao Cao and his Hero Faction. The Devils attempt to rescue Lady Yasaka at Kyoto's castle.
life.04 - "Showdown! Gremory Family VS Hero Faction IN Kyoto"
One thing to watch out for in this show is how they use battles that don't have much tension as an exposition device. Here, the Hero Faction attacks the Gremory Family for the sole reason of inviting them to a festival of sorts at the main ancient castle of Kyoto to test their own powers as they attempt something with the presence of the Fox Spirit Princess Yasaka. We know it's not the end of the story arc yet, so what we have here is just a way to finally introduce all the opposing characters quickly, build up some plot tension and individual character rivalry, and explain how they all fit into the larger story. It's really just a fun way for the characters to flex their muscles a bit until the actual confrontation that may have continuing ramifications for the series.
Another point that got reinforced about Chaos Brigade is how all their factions do a lot of infighting and independent action. Their deal isn't just chaos on the existing order, but amongst themselves too. This Hero Faction under Cao Cao is doing something in regards to creating or summoning monsters who have anti-qualities against all sorts of supernatural beings. Lady Yasaka is the latest being necessary for their experiments. However, because Issei was involved, this brings the ire of Valli and his Big Red Dragon faction. Obviously, the Chaos Brigade would be further along in their ideals if each faction signing on didn't have secondary motivations which clash with the other factions. The established order is lucking out here.
The last thing that I noticed was there was a little 4th wall breaking as Cao Cao introduced himself. He said he was "apparently" related to the historical figure of the Three Kingdoms Romance from ancient China. That sounds like a dig at the writers for being lazy and just dragging in characters from each of the world's regional legends and folklore. Indeed, a witch named Le Faye Pendragon showed up controlling a giant golem named Gog Magog. Come on, now. We got a dragon slayer named Siegfried with his appropriately named swords too. So, Arthurian legends, giants of Albion, and Wagnerian heroes are all in one place. Yeah, I think Cao Cao has a point.
Welp, this Cao Cao guy with the Longinus Spear just admitted to everything. Hero Faction, check. Kidnapping Lady Yasaka, check. Harassing Azazel and Issei for lulz, check. I guess this battle will be for some fun action and answering questions as they fight.
Summoning "anti-monsters." That's a revelation of part of the Hero Faction's plans.
Issei is handing out orders instead of Kiba. I didn't see Asia use her badge for a King promotion, did you?
Whoa. Azazel is getting serious. He just donned his golden armor.
Thanks, Cao Cao. He's just spilling everything to Azazel. Battles for exposition... all the tension is drained out of this scene. We just need to look for some character development or some fun new characters from the other side.
Here we go. Issei going "Pai-lingual" listening to the breasts of female fighters and using Dress Break on them. This combo is obviously better when the girls haven't had their shame taken away from them like the previous season.
Yes, yes. Issei is the worst. Which means he's actually the best!
And here comes a dragon slayer named Siegfried. He used to be an exorcist, but has gone rogue.
Nice third arm he's got there. He calls it a Dragon's Hand. So, does Siegfriend have bit of Fafner in him? Can he turn into a dragon too?
Siegfried is going to be a handful in the final confrontation. He's got a Balance Breaker too.
Cao Cao brags on Issei for being the most dangerous dragon when he's actually a pretty weak devil. Yes, we know he's only a pawn. But we also know that pawns can be promoted to stronger pieces.
So here's some more exposition from this useless battle. The Hero Faction wants to see how powerful humans can be as mere humans. They've always had to defeat other supernatural beings just to survive, so how strong can they get without turning into angels, devils, or dragons?
Whoops. Interloper in the form of a big giant. Gog Magog... of course.
Controlled by Le Faye Pendragon, a witch, of course...
Har. She's got a message from Valli about targeting Issei when he's got dibs. Punishment!
Double har. She's a huge fan of the Oppai Dragon. Well, she's controlling a Welsh giant from Albion, her namesake is also from Albion via Arthurian legends, and Issei is partnered with the Welsh dragon Ddraig. Naturally, she's a big fan.
Cao Cao took care of Gog Magog pretty quickly.
Uh oh. Drunk Valkyrie. Watch out!
All the explanations are done, so Cao Cao wants to quit the fight. Oh, he says he's not having any more fun because of all the interruptions, but we know better.
More yakity yak. Kyoto has a bunch of chi ley lines or whatever. It's important to whatever the Hero Faction is going to do with Lady Yasaka at the big castle.
Azazel lays down some foreshadowing. A fun "helper" is going to be showing up at the festival.
Oh yeah. Rias and the rest need to worry about Issei while they fight against some Old Satan Faction forces in the city. I hope this is relevant to the next arc, because this Kyoto arc looks like it's going to be done in the next episode.
Finally. Issei's "potential" was retrieved by Azazel as he coincidentally put down a molester in front of the hotel. Everyone knows that boob-lusting aura belongs to Issei. I'm kind of digging the new animation studio's take on funny faces.
Ha! Issei is so ashamed that all the molesting cases came from his "potential."
Oh, so now Issei is curious about what being a "hero" means? Actually, as a former human that hasn't really given up his mundane life, it's a fair question. Azazel puts it to him as a question about life goals. Issei just says it out loud that he wants to be a high-ranking devil and a harem king! Life goals, yo!
Okay, so Kiba noticed Issei's leadership skills. He's always been a good guy when it comes to welcoming the only other real dude in the Gremory Family. Gasper doesn't count... It's basically a King promotion without Rias being there.
Hee. Kunou likes Issei's Balance Breaker, like all the kids do.
And now we see why we had that flashback to the Hero Faction invasion that should have been animated last season - because that dude just showed up again.
I guess shadow dude wants revenge.
Issei is having a hard time fighting shadows. Good thing he's got his "potential" in his pocket.
Next time, hopefully a lot more gratuitous nude scenes. I mean, a lot of scenes showing gratitude, with nudity!
Since this was an action oriented episode using the battle scenes for explaining stuff, we didn't have a lot of NSFW stuff, but we had quality instead of quantity. Rossweisse takes her turn for the eye catches.
Striped bikini. Always fun. It appears we're going through all the girls in swimwear. Xenovia needs to take her turn in a baby making bikini next time.
As for this episode, we just had a brief encounter with Issei's Pai-lingual (boob-lingual) ability.
The breasts of a maiden contain their most precious secrets... Like which way they're going to attack an enemy. Precious. Issei is correct, though - Dress Break combined with Pai-lingual is invincible! It makes him the worst/best!
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