Tuesday, May 22, 2018

10 Second Anime - High School DxD Hero - Episode 6

Issei activates his potential with Rias' help. The Kyoto trip ends safely for Issei's class.

life.06 - "The School Trip is in Pandemonium"


What do you call an almost deus ex machina? Because it looked like Issei got his bacon saved randomly by the appearance of the Fighting Buddha and his Dragon King Yu-Long, but when you think about it, things played out plausibly. See, the Hero Faction of Chaos Brigade was conducting an experiment to summon the great dragon Big Red from the dimensional gap, but it didn't mean they were going to get it right. They summoned a great dragon alright, just the wrong one. Or actually, the right one, if the destinies between Cao Cao and Sun Wukong span generations.

So, it all worked out. The Red Dragon Emperor showed off a little bit of his original form after Issei learned how to throw the proper switch to control his Juggernaut Drive, but since he couldn't have won by himself after using up so much energy, someone much stronger came along to finish the fight. Also, Issei took one of Cao Cao's eyes, making a new eternal enemy to fight against once he defeats and befriends his eternal rival Vali. That's just how these hero stories have to go, right?


Rias got summoned and Elsha tells Issei he has to poke her nipples. Eh?!

Um, why is everyone surprised about all this poking business? Azazel taught Issei about doorbells and how to power up his Juggernaut Drive by poking Rias' nipples last season. Was this out of order because of the original material that was shoehorned into that season?

Ha ha aw. Ddraig is crying that he's going to be forever remembered as the Oppai Dragon.

And then, Rias just disappeared? Issei touched her, turned himself on (and her) and then she went back? I'm confused on how this works.

Ooh. Ddraig's original aura is this golden glow. That's neat.

Aw. Elsha came to say goodbye. And Belzard too, I presume. She explains her feelings that were tied to the sacred gear have been resolved because a new holder unlocked his potential. Plus, she doesn't like boobs... What a weirdo!

Belzard is a man of sophistication, apparently. His words of parting are singing and dancing the Oppai Dragon Song. It's also the exact key for Issei to unlock his dragon's original power, as long as Rias is standing in front of him, of course.

Ah. Juggernaut Drive was an uncontrolled release of Ddraig's original power. Now Issei knows how to channel it properly. Poke, poke, aaah!

Big fight now. Issei couldn't break the Longinus Spear when Cao Cao blocked his punch. Good to know.

I remember how it was a big deal in the earlier parts of this story for Issei to yell "Boost!" but now it just pops off as background noise. It's just one of those signs of Issei's progress.

So, Ddraig's power lets Issei do a pawn promotion without a king present. That's what Asia's permit was for, so he could invoke it before doing a promotion without Rias around. Now it doesn't matter.

Cao Cao calls that an Illegal Move. Well, even if we're still using chess metaphors, there's no referee to put a stop to the game for Issei's triple promotion.

Hey! That's not Big Red!

More Chinese folklore characters have come to deal with this Cao Cao reincarnation. This monkey king has had enough of this brat.

These Dragon Kings sure are loners. They don't like to team up with anyone of the other Kings. Well, Yu-Long will tolerate Vritra for the common goal, and for Kyoto food.

This Fighting Buddha is pretty good at combining powers. He just gave Issei enough power for a last shot at Cao Cao. Took his eye with a homing beam! Ooh, that pissed him off.

The monkey god knows a lot about Issei's powers for some reason. Pai-lingual is pretty new, yet here Sun Wukong is combining it with his own powers to heal Yasaka with the love of her daughter Kunou.

Confirmed. Issei got another harem member. Too bad he forgot to ask Yasaka for some gratuitous boob fondling, er, I mean a sign of her gratitude.

Har. Azazel knows Issei picked up another harem member too. He gets Issei's hopes up by saying Kunou will probably take after her mother in the chest department. Azazel is another gentleman of sophisticated tastes...

Koneko is mad for some reason. We know the reason.

Issei is sorry he's not sorry for using Rias' boobs.

Enough loli pettankos. Ravel Phoenix is transferring in for the next arc. Stacked loli for the win!

So, next time, the new arc begins. We have a school cultural festival as the backdrop for the Ratings Game with Issei's main rival being Sairaorg. I just want to know who this busty megane girl is!


Proof that we have a new harem member is Kunou showing us the NSFW pool party favors.

I know she's probably ancient in human years, but she doesn't look or act like it. I agree with Issei - no interest in little girls. Koneko is fine. She's age appropriate!

Pretty much the only nudity we have this episode is the necessary PLOT for the plot.

Issei needed to ring Rias's doorbells to unlock his Juggernaut Drive. His potential power was to summon breasts only for him, and touching them in this manner is how he gets to properly control the flow of the Juggernaut Drive to access Ddraig's original aura. See? PLOT for plot.

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