Sunday, April 29, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Boku no Hero Academia - Episode 41 - Wild Pussycat Ragdoll

Two more of the Wild Pussycats, like Ragdoll, showed up to complete the foursome. Her quirk is "Search," which lets her know things of up to 100 people within her sight.

Ochako couldn't believe Bakugou was so good at chopping vegetables. He couldn't believe Ochako was so bad at using a knife.

The training camp held a Test of Courage and the classmates drew lots for the walking pairs. Mina was in total shock that the remedial kids still had to take their lessons, which meant Midoriya ended up being the odd man out.

Unfortunately, the Villains showed up to make the students have a real Test of Courage. Himiko is about to have some fun stalking her prey.

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