Thursday, April 12, 2018

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S3 - Episode 13

Erina tells Souma about meeting his dad. Souma's cooking helps Erina resolve to defy the upcoming Advancement Exam. Season Premiere.

Episode 13 - "Advancement Exam"


So is this a new season or what?

No! Straight to episode 13 as if almost 4 months haven't happened. But it was still a season premiere with lots of flashbacks and parts of it felt like a clip show. 

Souma : "Remember that time I made an egg dish and you said it tasted terrible even though it blasted your clothes off? How about this egg dish?" 
Erina: Ignores question. "I've decided!" Prattles on about a seemingly unrelated matter and runs away.

Just like a clip show to reference a past episode, like the very second episode ever, and not have any relationship advancement at all.

Still, we finally got the whole story on Erina's picture with Saiba, what it meant back then, and what it means now with his son making her feel the same way about food and gourmet cooking. It was a good cliffhanger for the split cour to have Erina discover how Souma is related to a precious memory which makes this season premiere even better as it ties together the memory, the characters, and the present circumstances. Good job.


I liked the very quick aftermath scenes from the big revelation for Erina and Azami that Souma is Saiba's son. I wonder if Saiba had Souma transfer into Toutsuki at this time because he found out what Azami was up to and needed his "spirit" at the school.

Azami said something interesting. His gourmet plan is to rescue "victims" of creative gourmet like Saiba. We've seen how Souma is obsessive with his trial and error method, to the point of ill health, so perhaps Azami saw something similar happen to Saiba.

Still no face on Souma's mom in his pictures. Seems like Jouichiro married into the Yukihira family like Azami married into the Nakiri family.

Oh ho! The opening credits makes a very blatant relationship to the Yukihira Diner's logo with the Toutsuki Elite 10. Zero is better than One!

Damn. We're stuck with Ikumi watching TV for the next season too...

Central's next gambit against the rebels is the Advancement Exam. No more judging; just cooking to the recipe approved by Central. No reward for creativity or incorporating cooking specialties. Those are penalties now!

Did the dorm rooms always have a small kitchen included? That seems new to me. I remember Souma and Isshiki always cooking in the dorm's communal kitchen.

Ooh. Erina wants a late night snack from Souma! And by "snack" I mean... oh. Typical. She just wants to "talk." And by "talk" I mean...

Only Erina could make a formless house dress look so good.

Ah. Finally. The story of Erina's picture with Saiba.

It was just a one time event, but it made her enjoy food again after all the exploitation of her God Tongue after Alice moved away.

Loli Sunflower Field foodgasm!

Azami's gourmet torture started six months later, which made the whole thing even more traumatic after she discovered that gourmet cooking can be fun by gambling on new flavors.

Hisako is going cray-cray without Erina. She's going to plotz when she finds out Erina is alone in a room with a closed door with a boy! And he's going to make her one of those tasty dishes which explodes her clothes!

Har. The girls know what Souma's evil laugh means. It's always hilarious to me when Souma, the supposed hero of the story, acts and looks like the recurring villain.

Souma wants his revenge. He'll make Erina say his dish is delicious!

Egg Tempura Bowl. There's a trick to that soft-boiled egg! It's a wonder.

Ha! Made with cheap frozen eggs! This ain't no fertility clinic...

And they all worried how the God Tongue would react to bargain priced eggs. She even could tell they were cheap, not high quality or fresh, but foodgasm anyway!

A frozen yolk has to be made with a less flavorful egg, otherwise the freezing process would make the protein and fat taste overpowering. That's against the rules of gourmet to use cheap stuff!

Whoops. No revenge for Souma. Erina had her grownup sunflower foodgasm, but she'll keep that to herself.

Souma gambles with his trial and error method like his dad. "If you know exactly where you're going, it's no fun at all!"

Well, obviously it was delicious enough to make Erina decide to train the rebels how to beat the Advancement Exam while being true to their specialties.

Next time, Erina in hot teacher cosplay!

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