Saturday, December 30, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Visiting Cogswell Dam

I took a look at the bridge to Cogswell Dam while I searched for a water fountain on 10/7/2017.

This was my last flat ride of the year. Flat. At 2800 feet of climbing over 48 miles... Anyway, this route was part of my series of slowly scouting out the West Fork of the San Gabriel Canyon. My main goal was to find running water somewhere.

From looking at the map and all the turnouts and trailheads, I figured, surely, one of those places must have a water fountain. If any of the smaller places don't have one, the sure bet would have to be Cogswell Dam. Uh, no.

Thankfully, there were some forest service guys doing some maintenance checks around the facilities (lots of trash cans and toilets, but no running water...), and they said I could snag some at the kiosk water faucet for the OHV park I passed earlier. I had been up around there earlier in the year, but didn't find anything. Let that be a lesson to me to just ask for directions.

Speaking of which, some cyclist in full-on GCN kit asked me for directions. He wondered if he had passed Burro Canyon already. I was pretty sure he had, since we were both in the West Fork and Burro Canyon is in the East Fork after you cross the bridge. I hope he found it alright.

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