Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Leisurely Stroll

I took a short stroll around Pasadena to test some new equipment on the bike on 9/2/2017.

This was supposed to be my week off the bike, because I schedule rest every twelve weeks, but I had just gotten some maintenance done on my bike and some replacement equipment, so I was impatient to get back on.

The bike stuff was regular wear and tear stuff, like a new chain, new cables. The big deal was I got new shoes! My first pair of shoes lasted 10 years, so I felt like I was getting rid of my second pair too quickly, but I had figured out they were actually broken.

My left big toe would start feeling on fire after about two hours of riding, and I couldn't figure out why. Finally, after a year of making adjustments that didn't work, I discovered that the structure around the top of toe was actually bent and pressing against my foot. That was a broken shoe.

So, new shoes. It will take a while to break them in, but my toe is pain free. I just have to get used to this Boa tightening system. It can actually tighten too well, so I have to adjust my own sensations on what comfortably tight means. The guys at my bike shop said the old ratchet system stopped being made last year, so it was the right time to make the move that the pro peloton made more than five years ago. Let's see how long it takes before something even newer comes around and I'm wearing old fogey shoes again.

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