Aqours needed a solution to putting on two concerts in the same afternoon. Driving an agricultural cart back to school was not the craziest idea they had, but it's the one they used.
Aqours' plans to enter Love Live again to recruit for their school faced a complication when the school's Open House was pushed back to the same day as the first round of competition. Brainstorming just led to more scattered brains...
The group's first practical idea was to try to use the bus schedule with having to perform first. Yoshiko's luck (or whatever) was tried in the lottery, but she used it up in her rock-paper-scissors game with Dia to decide who would draw their number.
Before Chika's crazy idea bore fruit (heh), they had decided to split up the group to perform at both the Open House and the Love Live auditions. The other half showed up, surprising everyone.
This performance was the one based on the ideas of the first years and seniors. Ruby designed the costumes and Mari even had a heavy metal air guitar move.
With all of Aqours at the Love Live site, they were forced to use Chika's crazy idea of riding the harvest carts of their friend's family mikan orange groves. If they ever make a theme park of this franchise, this will definitely be the roller coaster style ride there.
They all made it in time for the Open House. Different song, different outfits, all after running a few miles between orange groves and concert locations. They got their miracle.
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