Touta makes a new friend as he and Yukihime travel to the capital, but this person has a secret and a mission involving Immortals.
Episode 2 - "You can't hate someone you meet naked"
One of the hallmarks of Japanese fiction is the idea of characters being connected through fate or the cycle of life. We see this expressed a lot in the way children or a next generation go through the same things as their parents or the previous generations. Things never really change and seeing this in action lends a feeling of nostalgia and understanding to a person's story.
We saw this kind of mirroring when Touta befriends Kuromaru. With one sword swing, Evangeline was reminded of the sword style belonging to a clan of demon hunters. The mirroring got explicit when we were shown the great pairing from Negima! of Setsuna and Konoka. Kuromaru was de facto banished from the clan when the clan head gave a mission to kill "Dark Evangel" because Kuromaru is cursed with Immortality. Setsuna was also banished from her clan because of her demon wings, but was taken in by the Konoe family as Konoka's bodyguard and attendant. Touta's family name is Konoe and we see him taking in the banished Kuromaru. Nothing really changes from generation to generation and everyone is always connected.
It was also nice to get another nod toward the previous story and really keep tying it together with the new one.
Evangeline says they're still in Japan, but there's been a massive population decline. Touta doesn't care.
Butt squeezing is not the usual form of greeting in this new Japan, I'm guessing.
Ha! Touta got some Chamo censorship.
Kuromaru Tokisaka claims to be a boy. Sure. I want to believe!
Vampires in the Negima! universe don't have reflections.
Ironic for Kuromaru to be an Immortal Hunter who is also immortal.
Touta fights hard and kind of sneaky.
Well, of course, Touta's prize is going to make Kuromaru his friend.
Kuromaru's towel is really selling this ambiguous trap bit.
Kuromaru's conception of the "Dark Evangel" has to include the murderous puppet ChachaZero!
Ha! Touta doesn't need to peek at Yukihime because he's already seen her naked tons of times. He just heard he's supposed to peek at the girls' bath because it's what men do!
Eva needs to take a pill to turn into Yukihime. The magic is still cold-based.
I love how Touta pisses Eva off for not wanting to see some old lady's body. She is 700 years old, right?
Touta wants to make some Super Friends and form a Justice League.
Too late! Yukihime already did it! The Immortal Family, UQ Holder!
Eva is rich, or a gangster, with all those black Mercedes and black-suited SP's (security personnel). Well, we knew that from before.
That busty serious girl with the hammer from the opening sequence is named Karin. Noted.
It looks like it's finally time to meet all those people we see in the credits.
Do the people in UQ Holder know that Yukihime-sama is actually Eva-chan? Something to look out for.
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