Monday, September 25, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Do Not Cross When Flooded

Some of the rivers were mighty full next to my trail ride on July 22nd.

There are a couple fun things to note in the video. When I reviewed the footage soon after I recorded it, I noticed a big water spot on the lens appear sometime after the halfway point of the ride. I figured it was from a water puddle of some sort. It wasn't until I watched the whole video that I pinpointed exactly when it happened, and that water blot was a sweat blot! From me! Somehow, hitting a lip on a driveway caused sweat to splash up from my leg or knee at the correct angle to hit the lens of the camera that should have been well forward of it. Nice aim!

The other fun thing was seeing the connector between the Rio Hondo Bike Path and the Santa Anita Wash Trail actually submerged. I'd been seeing the warning signs over the last year, but since we had a drought up until recently, it was more like a myth of flood control. Not this year! This particular week was the Rio Hondo's turn for water management and that meant controlling the level of the flood control basin surrounding Peck Road Park. I went over the path just this last week, and it's grittier than usual after its bout of waterlog.

The final thing to check out was seeing the progress of Lagunitas' new brewery location in Azusa. Apparently, the front office is ready to go, but the lack of signage makes visiting the tap room a real locals' secret hangout. Not quite ready for primetime. The rest of the complex appears to be on schedule for sometime in 2018.

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