Thursday, April 20, 2017

Omake Gif Anime - Saekano S2 - Episode 2 - Eriri Twin Tail Lash

There it was! The Ultra Special Twin Tail Lash! Don't make an artist decide to do extra work for the sake of the project!

Utaha finished writing the plot of their game. Now she wants her reward: a day long "deito" with Mr. Ethical.

I don't know what Tomoya has to complain about. A beautiful girl wants him to carry her books, watch a movie, and sit quietly while she reads and eats. What's the problem here, exactly?

Eriri "coincidentally" followed the pair with Megumi, but ended up doing date-like things herself. Like crying over a good love story with a childhood friend ending and Megumi choosing a new wardrobe for her.

I'm shocked like Eriri. When, and why, did Megumi have a key to Tomoya's house?

Utaha's alternate ending route would totally change the nature of the game. Eriri remarked that she might even have to change facial expressions to go with the dialog.

Next time, we're going to watch some rivalry hijinks with Izumi's doujin circle. The new ending sequence gave us a recap of the last season and reminder that Michiru may not show up for a while. Again.

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