Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - Brave Witches - Episode 10 - Waltrud and Takami

Takami sparred with Waltrud after her return to see if she finished her rehab. Looking pretty good for a witch who used to be in a coma.

Hikari has really started to fit in with the 502nd. Her squad mates even thought the upper brass had recognized her talents, but it was just a little ruse to surprise them with the return of Big Sister Takami.

I chuckle at how Kanno sits like an old man instead of the dainty way her colleagues Sasha and Nipa do.

Takami tried to use the tough love approach to get Hikari to accept her reassignment, but these two sisters get along much better when they're open with each other.

Gundala had to call her old friend Tamaki on her behavior.

Gundala set up a little test on their next mission to see who could find the enemy core first. Tamaki barely won over her younger sister Hikari.

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