Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Omake Gif Anime - New Game! - Episode 10 - Umiko Unplugged

Umiko should be the type that frequently saves her work, but restarting an unplugged PC is inconvenient.

The long nights at the office made a sleepy Aoba almost miss her stop.

Yagami exhorted Aoba not to look at happy people not working on Saturday like they were.

Hifumi has interesting ideas about what a "mean" Aoba would look like.

Umiko wondered why Hifumi and Aoba hurried back to their cubicle when she started talking about her airsoft hobby.

Mozuku takes in all the late night and weekend snacks at the office, but then he does his own cat version of hard work.

Nene didn't like being on the other side of a fight with Aoba about her work schedule.

Huh. Umiko uses an English language keyboard with no number pad. Odd for a programmer...

Yagami got an unwelcome but still welcome call on her phone: her worried mother.

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