Sunday, November 08, 2015

Omake Gif Anime - Gakusen Toshi Asterisk - Episode 6 - Claudia's Secret

Claudia won't tell Ayato where she kept his replacement badge in that skimpy bikini she's wearing.

Julis pulls the tsundere card on making sure Ayato doesn't misunderstand how she likes something about him.

Claudia isn't just a collection of beautiful body parts, but let's not forget that she does have beautiful body parts.

Claudia reflects as the pool water reflects on her.

Claudia knows how to stop a conversation in the right place in just the right way.

That is some nice bikini lounging multitasking on Claudia's part.

It was a given what eroge version Claudia was going to wear during the next episode preview.

Bounce and wink. It just works on the male gaze.

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