Sea People attack a city and heroes respond until they confront an enemy too strong for them. Will Saitama be needed to help?
Episode 8 - "The Deep Sea King"
This was actually a transitional episode. Saitama had a one punch scene, but we didn't even get to see it. The enemy really wasn't worth his time. However, this allowed for even more chances to see how this Hero Association works and the people who make it up and their motivations. We had some of that with the meteor episode, but this time around, we had a developing situation where the different class heroes could actually do some stuff to help. That was until they couldn't and then we got to see specific heroes show their mettle.
Saitama is still "regular people." He can't just fly somewhere like Genos. He doesn't even have his own cell phone. I guess he actually has no real income and has been squatting in the Ghost Town. They've kept the power and water running there, but that's it.
Lightning Max was a bit excitable.
Talk about different motivations for heroes. S-Class Pri-pri Prisoner only wants to save his favorite pretty boys.
It's hard to tell sometimes if these heroes actually have the special effects we see. We've already seen a bunch of crazy stuff so far this season, but with how nondescript Saitama is, I always look for clues to show that there really isn't some flashing light or sparkly dust flying everywhere. The light shining on the Sea King's face was the confirmation that Pri-Pri Prisoner wasn't just a big strong gay guy.
The A-Class heroes could handle the underlings and S-Class criminal Sonic was going toe to toe with the Sea King until the rain started to fall. It was interesting to see who kept running toward trouble when faced with bad odds. That the heroes mixed in with the other evacuees decided to do what they could until the real strong guys showed up meant that their motivation to help people was why they became heroes. That's always a nice contrast to Saitama's lazy quest to find a good fight or the Sweet Mask guy who only wanted to promote his entertainment career.
We see strong buff anatomy all the time in this show, so I'm always happy to see a bit of the female form.
Helloooo bikini surfer damsel in distress! One thing I was disappointed in was how little time the Sea People spent at the beach. I guess they had a mission to cause as much mayhem as possible, so they needed to get to those dense urban centers.
Regular guy hero Mumen Rider is hurrying to do what he can and Saitama is hoping there's a strong opponent wherever the guy on the phone tells him to go. Genos is there too, but is he strong enough to beat the Sea King without anyone else's help? There's your cliffhanger. It's a nice one.