Saitama meets Genos, a young cyborg who wants to train under him. A bunch of animal based villains from an evil organization target Saitama.
Episode 2 - "The Lone Cyborg"
Oh, so that's what a fight between supervillains and superheroes would look like. Well done action, nice poses, some tension back and forth, and then a naked Saitama just has to come in and end things.
We also now know that Saitama is weak towards small bugs.
It is a bit ridiculous. Even if his slaps missed the mosquito just the concussive force would at least stun the insect. Unless it was one of Mosquito Girl's special mosquitoes so it was tougher, but still.
#everymanproblems Super strong superhero has to break out the can of Raid!
Ah, but there was a bug big enough for him to slap.
Mosquito Girl RIP. I think we got confirmation that Saitama's superhero suit is special like he is. Normal clothes just can't take superhero damage.
With young Genos wanting to be stronger and insisting that Saitama train him, the anime took this opportunity to make fun of the dreaded info dump. In a span of 3 minutes or so, we got a TLDR version of Genos' origin story.
Contrast this with Saitama's origin story last week, where it was just shown that he wanted to beat up supervillains. Genos is not the main character, so we weren't going to get a two episode arc showing his former life and his transition into role of superhero.
Saitama had enough of the verbal exposition. If Genos' backstory was that important, it would have been animated. But it's not, so just hit the main points. "My small town was attacked and only I survived. A scientist made me a cyborg to seek the cyborg attacker. I need your help to become stronger." That should cover it.
The gorilla cyborg fight against Genos was a nice pairing. The gorilla giving up his fake robot accent was another subversive touch.
Damn Saitama! You scary! Chasing after that moleman like that!
The closest thing we've got to an actual opponent in this show not only cloned himself, but gave off a very Island of Doctor Moreau vibe. Maybe he'll give the audience an explanation on why there are so many supervillains and superheroes popping out of nowhere.
We've gotten a big dose of superhero masculine body types, where there's all rippling muscles and no body fat. Saitama, of course, has a variable design to accent his everyman demeanor and boredom. But then we saw what supervillainesses and superheroines are going to look like.
Hello Mosquito Girl who's going to suck me dry! Heh.
Just like comic book heroes, we have a marked dimorphism between males and females.
Of course, she was treated just as equally as the male supervillains. One punch and she turned into a blood smear like a blood bloated mosquito. Saitama doesn't discriminate.
Saitama's neighborhood seemed awfully empty. We also got a bit more information in passing, that he's 25 years old and started training when he was 22. How quickly could that neighborhood have evacuated? There was a looter showing the danger of these special mosquitoes, while Saitama was trying to swat one of his own. It's a bit of a mystery that he didn't notice all the commotion from an evacuation, if one did occur nearby.
These are little details surrounding Saitama that are just casually placed in front of the viewer instead of the obvious info dump we had from Genos. We know Saitama is strong and that he's a bit bored and perhaps lonely. His circumstances are slowly being revealed which adds to his mystique and makes him more intriguing. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these details laced throughout the upcoming episodes.
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