Saturday, March 14, 2015

10 Second Anime - Death Parade - Episode 10

Death Parade - Episode 10

10 Second Anime - Death Parade - Episode 10
Decim and the Black-haired Woman join a guest in the judgment game. Oculus suspects Nona is hiding something.


We were told earlier in the season that a soul can only occupy a doll temporarily, and it looks like Kurokami's time is just about up. I forget what happens to the soul if it's not judged in that time. Maybe it was never mentioned. Ginti will have a problem with Mayu pretty soon too.
Interesting that when the staff members join a game, their details are added just like the souls who are there for judgment. Kurokami got some hints that we've been seeing since we first saw the opening credits - the Chavvot book, the ice skates and the skater's costume we saw in her dresser.
Kurokami remembered her name! Chiyuki - spelled with the characters for "Know Happiness."

Omake Gif Anime - Death Parade - Episode 10 - Chiyuki-chan Kawaii

Aw. Chiyuki-chan was a cute kid. And she loved that Chavvot book.
The guest was the wife of the old man we saw in Death Billiards from 2013. That was a nice touch. Also, we had a nice plot point where she figured out she was dead because one of the pictures on the cards was something she hadn't drawn yet.

That was a bittersweet moment when the old lady asked to bring those cards with her, knowing they're just going to end up scattered on the elevator floor with her empty mannequin.
Now we know that souls' memories are not discarded. The ones that aren't used for the snapshot in judgment are "filed away" in huge piles of bags.

Omake Gif Anime - Death Parade - Episode 10 - Quin Gets Hooch

Quin will do anything for some good hooch. The label says Beam Jon, referencing Jim Beam, but the bottle is for Four Roses small batch. That's good bourbon.

I wonder why it's so important to Nona that Chiyuki gets judged with all her memories downloaded into Decim. Is it because her original "important" memories for judgment were erased when she came in knowing she was dead already, so that Decim has to judge her by everything left over?

Oculus has skills.

Omake Gif Anime - Death Parade - Episode 10 - Oculus Flower Head

I did not expect to see Old Flowerhead to do that!


With Chiyuki's doll body falling apart, it looks like Decim will have to judge her quickly, but also in a way that's never been done before. Because she doesn't remember how she died, they will have to judge her whole life using all of her memories. It will be interesting to see how Decim's emotions play a part during this process. Supposedly, the Information Department is supposed to choose the "important" memories for judgment, but we're never really given the criteria for those memories, other than they're being somehow related to the Judges' needing to draw out a soul's darkness.
So far, we've seen a soul deciding not to choose darkness as the marker for Reincarnation, but could a process of drawing out a soul's lightness rebalance the whole way this Afterlife works? It looks like it does need a change. We've seen hints that God, or whoever, has been gone a long time, the place seems stuck in the same rut as when Nona took over 82 years ago, and there are signs of decay and ruin everywhere, especially where Nona lives and the overgrowth on Oculus' floor.
Next time, Chiyuki gets judged in her skating costume, and Ginti has cooked up something weird to judge Mayu. It looks like he tried to make a double of the male idol, but I don't think Mayu would fall for that. I'm looking forward to seeing what Oculus plans to do about Nona's insubordination. Maybe he'll just be miffed he wasn't involved because it would be a neat way to relieve boredom?

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