Friday, November 14, 2014

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 386

Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 386

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 386 photo 10SecondAnime-NarutoShippuuden-Episode386_zpsf1807dc0.gif 

Obito Shippuuden continues. Naruto sees Obito's past as they share chakra and seeks to bring him back to the village as Obito Uchiha.


How interesting that the talk-no-jutsu so disparaged among the manga readers is so much more compelling in the anime.

Hey, all that stuff I said last week about Obito needing his identity to suppress the 10-Tailed Beast, Naruto just whacked Obito in the face with it this week. Naruto calls on Obito to be honest with himself.

That's fun to see Kakashi's generation as kids all about the same age. Kurenai and Asuma, Guy, Anko, the gatekeepers, the proctors from Naruto's own chuunin exam. That was nostalgic.

Again, it felt like I've seen all this before, but the last time we saw these scenes was during Kakashi's stories in the Spring as flashbacks.

The chuunin exams felt like an echo of Naruto's story during his own chuunin exams, except Sakura really was cheering for Sasuke much more than Naruto.

Kakashi was such an insufferable prig after the suicide of his dad. He got better.


Part of what makes Naruto's story epic, in the literary sense of the word, are the many kinds of themes that can be found in it. The main theme surrounding Obito is redemption. He suffered great loss, first in almost dying as he saved Rin's life, then given a second chance, failing to save her life, with the added grief from her dying at Kakashi's hand, Obito fell to darkness and despair. Naruto offers the grace of redemption. As long as you're alive, it's never too late to renounce sin. All you need to do is grasp your friend's hand as it pulls you in the right direction.

Juxtapose Rin grabbing Obito's hand as she pulls him back towards his teammates with Naruto offering the same hand to come back to the village as Obito Uchiha, shinobi of the Village Hidden Among the Leaves. Rin's gesture let him know that hiding a weakness from them is not a sign of strength. It's not too much of a stretch to see Naruto's gesture means the same thing.

Will Naruto's talk-no-jutsu succeed? How will Kakashi help? And does any of this matter to Madara? For Madara, of course not. He's just waiting for the right moment to start the next phase of his plan.

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