Saturday, October 11, 2014

Omake Gif Anime - Ore Twintail ni Narimasu - Episode 1 - Twintail Hip Shake

Twintail Hip Shake

 photo OmakeGifAnime-OreTwintailniNarimasu-Episode1-TwintailHipShake_zps60563760.gif 

Shake those tails! Twintails, I mean.

I put off watching this show for a little bit, because the premise sounded ridiculous. Guy with twintail fetish becomes a twintail loli to protect the twintails of the world being stolen by aliens. Yeah. Hey, I watched Daimidaler, but that had nudity to numb the "eh?!" feeling I always got from that show. But no nudity in this show.

But! You've got busty Onee-san Professor type in Twirl. Twintail meido team following twintail ojou-sama. That "eh?!" feeling started to go away after I started watching. If they can keep me from going "eh?!" in the next few episodes, I'll keep watching.

Like I said, Twirl is keeping me very interested.

Omake Gif Anime - Ore Twintail ni Narimasu - Episode 1 - Twirl Bounce photo OmakeGifAnime-OreTwintailniNarimasu-Episode1-TwirlBounce_zps79e23eba.gif 

Bounce, then make your point. Very effective lecture style.

Omake Gif Anime - Ore Twintail ni Narimasu - Episode 1 - Twirl Rescue photo OmakeGifAnime-OreTwintailniNarimasu-Episode1-TwirlRescue_zps0916ef71.gif 

Your job is to rescue twintails! Isn't that great!

Omake Gif Anime - Ore Twintail ni Narimasu - Episode 1 - Not My Twintails! photo OmakeGifAnime-OreTwintailniNarimasu-Episode1-NotMyTwintails_zps7579cb43.gif 

You want to do what with my twintails?!


  1. follow your impressions of this show before I commit.By ep 3, you gotta say whether you dropped this or not.

    1. Yeah, we'll see. The main character is pretty annoying while he's a boy, but his mother is hawt and is giving his childhood friend permission to twintail drill him when she's out of the house. But this is basically Daimidaler making fun of those ranger shows and those half-mecha girl shows with a twintail loli trap. Uh oh. Starting to get that "eh?!" feeling again.


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