Saturday, June 07, 2014

10 Second Anime - Blade and Soul - Episode 10

Blade and Soul - Episode 10

10 Second Anime - Blade and Soul - Episode 10 photo 10SecondAnime-BladeandSoul-Episode10_zpsb47a9990.gif

Elle regrets taking her revenge on Aruka. The family of one of Aruka's victims takes her in, only to succumb to the tragedy that follows revenge. Jin Varrel reappears soon?


We get it. Revenge is bad. Revenge, not even once!  Whether it's some pretty, rich lady moping around her summer villa, or an older couple mourning their daughter in a snow-covered country house, tragedy follows revenge. Did we need two episodes to cover the same thing?


One thing I liked was the use of glass being polished and smoothed after it's been broken to make something that's beautiful in its own right. As Aruka is being chased by Palam Empire agents, she sees her reflection in broken glass, and steps on it, breaking it further. The old married couple takes broken colored glass and makes jewelry out of it. But the father's anger when his daughter's old bracelet breaks incites him to vengeance, which makes him forget his own admonition to Aruka: You can fix something that's broken, but you can't fix someone who's dead. While Elle has the luxury of getting over killing someone to exact her revenge, the father takes his own life after killing his wife instead of Aruka.

Aruka still hasn't come to an answer to what "using the sword to live" means to her yet. All she is seeing is the revenge and tragedy from her past as a paid assassin. She better get an answer quick, because it looks like her revenge kind of wore off on Jin Varrel who's making her own comeback.


Hazuki knows how to psych herself up to get answers from Elle's henchman. Liquid courage!

Omake Gif Anime - Blade and Soul - Episode 10 - Hazuki Liquid Courage photo OmakeGifAnime-BladeandSoul-Episode10-HazukiLiquidCourage_zps13a098ad.gif

We also see that Dan Loan doesn't have much to do with the Pleasure Gang now that Jin Varrel is dead, except hang out with other ladies with big breasts. No wonder they wanted to find Elle... But the big boobie brigade isn't complete until they get Aruka back.

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