Monday, March 31, 2014

Facebook bought Oculus Rift. So what now, for Virtual Reality?

What Games Are: Virtual Reality, We Hardly Knew You | TechCrunch

My quick reaction to Tadhg Kelly's piece is that Virtual Reality is a dog for all the reasons listed, but the one thing Facebook will probably get right in its basic research is the interface. As long as VR requires you to strap a monitor to your head, it will never be popular. Same with Google Glass. Same reason 3D TV's died another quick death. People don't want to wear stuff on their face if they don't have to.

Facebook is already doing original stuff with their server farms to optimize processing power, the product of their own research and development, so I figure they're looking at VR tech to further their push into mobile devices and Augmented Reality. There's only so much real estate for a smart phone to emulate buttons for a keyboard, and if the new displays of the future enhance depth perception, poking your finger through the images won't be optimal. I see this as a play for a gui beyond the touch screen. Sorry to disappoint, but stereographic VR will never be mainstream.

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