Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Twitter really, really liked one of my tweets...

Twitter liked one of my tweets so much, this one,

that it kept reposting it every 2 - 3 minutes from 3:38 PM yesterday to just before noon today. If you saw all those posts on my social media, this was what was happening. I had to remove my phone number from my twitter account, so at least the text wasn't being posted there, but the glitch meant that my phone number created a twitter account so that it could keep posting that tweet. Yes, my phone made it's own twitter account without any help from me.

Then, because there was a photo attached to the text message, the phone's account would run up against Twitter's limit on how many pictures you can post a day. That took about 5 and a half hours. Then I started getting text notices from Twitter that I had reached this limit. Every 2 to 3 minutes. Thankfully I could unsubscribe via SMS with my phone, but it just created a new account that lasted another 5 and a half hours. I called Verizon to see if the problem was on their end, but they only had the record of the original text message, nothing else. This was all Twitter's glitch.

Finally, after about 18 hours, and 4 different twitter accounts, my phone's number finally stopped tweeting this message. So, a couple of issues: 1) How many active users of Twitter are actually people, instead of random phone numbers glitching every 2 minutes? And 2) Will I finally just bite the bullet and actually post pictures to Facebook? One company already went through a successful IPO, so... hmmm.

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