Sunday, August 25, 2013

10 Second Anime - Silver Spoon - Episode 7

Silver Spoon Episode 7

Hachiken visits Giga Farm, to see how a modern, large scale dairy farm operates. Instead of seeing death this time, he sees birth. Also, an overprotective father casts a long shadow.

Worst prize for winning tug of war ever. Okay, okay, after the calf was cleaned up, he was pretty cute. But since the newborn was male, that means castration, fattening up, and slaughter. It just doesn't have the plumbing to remain at a dairy farm. The organization and procedures may be different at the Inada's farm, but the issues of life, death, and food are still there, as well as inheritance and expectations in a family business. Tamako seems to have no reluctance whatsoever in taking over the business, and might even be a little too impatient for her parents' taste. Oh, and Aki's father seems to be recovering well from the hernia operation.

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