Friday, March 07, 2008

Helmety Father-Son Talk

You've probably seen the sitcom approach to how parents deal with catching their kids doing something naughty: they have "the talk." It's not so common these days, primarily because catching children smoking, masturbating, drinking, or doing drugs only serves as a launching board for gross-out humor. But back in the 80's and 90's, the show would just stop, and you could tell, something important was about to happen, that you might want to talk about later, together, as a family. BWAHAHAHA! As if that could happen today. But maybe it could happen like the old days in the new media. We've already seen what an education film might look like, and one of the topics there was corpsehumping. But is corpsehumping behavior to be encouraged by your adult role models? Let's see what happens, next, on a very special episode of Halo 3 machinima. Kids, you should ask your parents later about tea bagging, team killing, rocket whoring, and spawn camping. Well, you should really talk to your Dad...

"Son, your bathing suit area is reserved for your future spouse."

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