Friday, February 15, 2008

Customer Satisfaction Lab

A long time ago, about a year after the first Halo was released for XBox, the PC version went out on the market. But this wasn't just some lame-o port, oh no. Bungie made sure that the PC guys would have some extra incentive to pay even more for this version than the XBox guys. They called it CE for Custom Edition. Like many of the 3D rendered PC games out there now, tools were added to make your own custom maps, custom missions, even custom behaviors. I've seen video of Master Chief doing a pirouette! And you could save video of your gameplay on your PC. Whaaat? Who'd want to see any of that crap? Well, machinima was born out of these customized PC versions of games, and in fact, the two most popular Halo shows, Red vs. Blue and This Spartan Life, got their first taste of internet viral distribution from websites set up to distribute the better maps and missions.

As the console market has embraced the concept of internet-connected gaming, Halo 3 also wanted to bring customizing your games to the masses. You can't make new maps, but at least you can do whatever you want to the battleground. So, here's a little commercial shot by the producers of Red vs. Blue letting people know what to expect.

"Now that you've been stuck, how would you rate your anxiety level?"

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