Monday, November 05, 2007

Cute Germs

Apparently, there's a writer strike going on. Does this affect me at all? Not one bit. I'm one of those guys who gets the majority of his video and entertainment via the internet, where I can leech off another culture's media and laugh at the misfortune of little skater punks landing on their crotches. I can also watch educational shows, like this new anime called Moyashimon (Tales of Agriculture), which is all about sake brewing. Moyashimon literally means "bean sprout problem," but since soy beans and rice are pretty much synonymous with Japanese farming, that makes sense culturally. Of course, since the show is Japanese, you need to have cute critters and people with strange powers. So, why not someone who can see and communicate with microbes, and, oh, let's make those little yeasts and molds super cute. That's not too far of a stretch, is it?

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