Friday, August 17, 2007

Helmety Chocolate Rain

A new internet "star" surfaced over the last couple of weeks, reaching almost 6 million views for his video on YouTube, joining the ranks of the Numa Numa sensation. What the hell am I talking about? This guy, Tay Zonday, singing his song Chocolate Rain. When you have everyone and their brother doing spoofs of this video, even doing its opposite, Vanilla Snow, well, even the true internet stars have to respond. Now Tay may be the black answer to Rick Astley, but we've got other YouTube characters with deep voices to choose from.

"To get me out they had to use a crane."

Update: Tay Zandog shot past 6 million views between last night and right now. Looks like he's still got about 5 minutes left in his 15 minutes of fame.


  1. Dude - even McGriff the Crime Dog has a response to "Chocolate Rain":

  2. Dude: Heh. That's why I made the link to Chocolate Rain just a YouTube search. Hilarious. The creepiest/coolest was dubbing over the black ventriloquist dummy from the old McDonald's commercial.


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