Friday, May 18, 2007

Web Clueless Judge: I know what a web site is!

In a followup to the internet-ignorant judge, he now claims that he is "fully computer literate." Sure, I believe you. You were just seeking "clarification for the court." Right. Just because you can go tippy-tap on your computer does not mean you use the internet. In the 80's, I used a computer for almost ten years without going online. It's called using a word processor, which is apparently what you're tippy-tapping into. Is there a jury in this case that looked confused while the expert witness was on the stand? There seemed to be a lot of "I don't grasp the concept," and "I don't know what a web site is." Not a lot of "The court seeks clarification on what a web forum is." But sure, you computer literate tippy-tapper, I believe you.

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