Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday Friendly Cat

Unfortunately, I fell down the Internet rabbit hole in exploring the meme of lolcats. The mix of cute kitties, funny captions, and butchered English has totally grabbed my attention. It's gotten to the point, where after completing my Sunday ride, I saw a cat just hanging out in front of the cafe where my ride buddies and I were eating, and bent down to take a picture, all with the intent of converting said digital image to lolcat. However, the cat was just too friendly, immediately got up, and concentrated on purring and rubbing my legs. Oh well, maybe I can do something with that...

Oh hai, i likz ur smellz

The ride itself wasn't all that great: 19 miles with 4 flats and one crash. The crash? Oh, that was me. Never try to point out a car turning right as you cross a dip. There goes my road rash quota for the year, plus a sprained elbow. I will have another cool scar on my right shoulder, but I think its going to cover up the other one I already had. Oh hai, I can haz ice pak? Yes, yes you can.


  1. d00d - oh hai, u fel dwn agn? M0r lolcat pls thx.

    It's all your fault for this damn lolcat foolishness. gah.

  2. Dude: Right, right, you can quit anytime you want.

    O hai, u want can haz mur lolcats? Sry, frsh owt.

  3. Dude - you want to hear something scary? I found a site with over 2500 lolcats...

    duh howwah...duh howwah.


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