Friday, March 02, 2007

Sarge on Forbes

You know, on Helmety Goodness Fridays, I usually have something from the popular web series Red vs. Blue, but is it really that big a deal? Well, they're big enough that Forbes did a little video piece on them. Naturally, the Rooster Teeth guys were stoked about the attention, and wanted to do a little piece to showcase the essence of the series. Unfortunately, the show really does just boil down into a bunch of bobbing helmets with interesting characters, and the characters ran away from the writers in this bit. All I will say is, if someone comes to you trying to explain SUMMS (Sarge's Unique Money Making System) to you, break out your rocket launcher and don't forget the corpse humping.

"One person making something up is a liar. A bunch of people making something up is a paradigm."

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