Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Personal Protest

The protest culture has really changed since the 1960's, when movements were predicated on an exchange of ideas and not personal animus. The best way to see the change is just look at the different signs used in the marches. And now that politics is all about the personal, since the authenticity of one's argument is based on the strength of emotions evoked, the signs' messages are all about the best put-downs. But just take a look at that sign to the very right and remember: never underestimate geek power.

Get Fuzzy courtesy of Darby Conley


  1. Joe~

    I hope Nedra doesn't see
    this cartoon.


  2. Timmeh!

    I hope so too. We wouldn't want kitties to be mean fighting kitties.

  3. Boo Kitty is busy, but Thug Kitty is always lurking (menacingly).

    Thanks, Joe!


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