Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Non-Transfat New York Will Make Subways More Efficient

At least, that's the connection I made when I read the report that the top illness for sick customers causing delays on public transportation was fainting from dieting. With New Yorkers going back to eating anything they want at all those famous delis and restaurants, fewer dieters will mean fewer delays. Maybe the health commission was doing the right thing when they banned trans-fat, but I can think of other reasons for abandoning personal freedom to make sure the trains run on time.


  1. Mussolini would be so proud of Bloomberg & Co.!

    Really though, I wouldn't have thought something as insignificant as an inert body or two would slow down the subway crush in NY.

    Ya learn something new every day.

  2. Brenda:

    Hee hee! I was hoping people would pick up on the fascist Mussolini reference. But is New York really dieting this much? Who knew?

  3. "But is New York really dieting this much? "

    Perhaps the sudden elimination of trans-fats is responsible. Shock to the system, and all that.


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