Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here Comes the Latest Boycott

I usually don't do the "political" thing here, but after seeing this story about a rude response to a soldier's inquiry about shipping to APO addresses, I had to remind people that anyone who says they don't support the war (whichever war), but supports the troops, is a liar. Especially politicians who promise to cut funding. The time to express disagreement is before the military action is taken, but once the military mobilizes, support the war, the troops, and the funding. The quicker the action is over, the more troops who can come home. But undercutting military operations, be it politically, by pulling appropriations, or blaming the soldiers for doing their jobs, does not "support" the troops. It makes their jobs tougher, can hurt morale, and makes it more likely that more young men and women will get hurt or die. So the next time you see a bumper sticker that says, "Support the Troops, Not the War," you'll know exactly what that person driving the car thinks of the military and the people in its ranks. So, Discount-Mats.com, you will never get my business, and I hope people reading this will share my sentiment.

via Instapundit

Technical difficulties? I should hope so.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!!!

    I saw this story, and I can't tell you how disgusted I was. Even if the guy didn't support the war, he could have just shown a little respect and left it with "We don't ship to APO's". Did he really have to add his insult to the response? I bet he wishes he had held his tongue now. This may be the downfall of his business. I know I, for one, would never buy from him after reading about this.

    Good to talk at ya, Joe. I hope things are going well.



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