Friday, November 03, 2006

I Knew Cats Were Finicky, But...

After KFC's announcement earlier this week, that they would switch to non-transfat cooking oil, which is obviously responding to New York City's proposed restaurant ban, and Denmark's existing ban, it could only be a matter of time before regulars of the local places started making requests. I'd just like to point out that Earl the dog seems to be an uninterested party, and would be happy with any Fatty Snax.


Mutts courtesy of Patrick McDonnell



  1. Joe:

    It's just as well that KFC is making that change.

    The last bucket of KFC I was MOSTLY grease.

    The KFC "Cunnel" can KMA...I'm a "Popeye's Man!"


  2. Bilge:

    I have to agree with you on the Popeye's Chicken. Their biscuits are the best!


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