Friday, July 14, 2006

Why Hasn't This Been Done Before?

Sometimes, ideas come around that are so simple, yet so inspired, that all we can do is admire the audacity.  The chocolate bar that helps balance out of whack hormones brought on by PMS.  Of course, from a junk science point of view, this candy bar is another herbal scam, but it's an herbal scam with legs!  Here's the money quote from  David Segal:

If your wife or your girlfriend is on her fifth bar of the day and gobbling her way to a couple saddlebags' worth of extra poundage, she can say, "Honey, I'm doing this for you. Either I eat another Wonder Bar or I berate you irrationally and then burst into tears. Take your pick."

Checkmate! A man will have no choice but to sit back and gawk in horror as the little missus turns into a Greyhound bus.

Segal writes this article with just the right amount of snarkiness too.

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