Friday, July 14, 2006

Chocolate That Tarzan Can Eat

Continuing on with our (apparent) chocolate themed Friday, Nigerian scientists have found a way to sell more chocolate in their country: stop it from melting.  According to the article, chocolate melts anywhere from 77 and 91 degrees Fahrenheit.  The Nigerians have found a formula to push that all the way up to 122 degrees.  Here's a fun fact on how Hershey tried to help our soldiers during Operation Desert Storm:

During Operation Desert Storm, Hershey's Chocolate tested a high-temperature chocolate capable of withstanding 140-degree temperatures. It was dubbed the "Desert Bar," but troop reactions to its taste were mixed.

Because the chocolate doesn't melt in your mouth (it's not hot enough) you've got to chew it, which probably accounts for the less sweet taste.  I wonder if M&M's will be looking into this new concoction.

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