Monday, June 19, 2006

Quit Mooching Already!

I found this article on Wi-fi freeloading today, and immediately thought of my buddy Warren.  I've seen this happen, where we've got a wi-fi laptop in the car, we need some quick info that we can only find on the web, so we troll around apartment complexes until we get a hit.  If only people paid attention to the quick-start guide, which is already truncated from the full instructions, we wouldn't have these kinds of problems blamed on poor unsuspecting college students.  The rest of the story gives some common sense, but very crucial, steps on securing your wi-fi network.


Continuing with the mooching theme, here's a story out of Vancouver turning the Goldilocks fairy tale on its head.  This time, Baby Bear found the porridge just right.  But take a look at the last paragraph of the story: "bears in the suburbs north of Vancouver have been coming out of hibernation as hungry as ever but later than usual but [sic] this spring because of a heavier than normal snowpack from the winter."  I'm guessing this is one story the global warming crowd is going to ignore.

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