Monday, April 05, 2021

Yuru Camp∆ S2 - Episode 12 - Aoi Nadeshiko Blow Out Birthday Candles

Both Aoi and Nadeshiko celebrated birthdays during their camping trip so the girls threw them a double birthday party.

The Outdoor Activities Club visited a tombolo, a sandbar feature that connects islands to a peninsula during low tide, which should be popular during the summer, but people still braved cold feet at the start of spring. Aoi needed to apologize for making her little sister Akari believe a tombolo was edible...

Rin wanted to lead their little caravan to their next campsite so she could enjoy the skyline highways without paying attention to the car in front of her. Manami-sensei thought her job was done for the day and wanted to get her day drinking on with some "Tomboro Beer." Too bad for her, she needed to help Akari distract Aoi and Nadeshiko as the other girls prepared the campsite for their not-so-surprise birthday party.

The next order of business for the camping trip was watching the sunrise from Mount Daruma. Chiaki still made it up last, but she made it in time for the lovely well-lit view.

1 comment:

  1. Today's March 4. Happy birthday to both Aoi Inuyama and Nadeshiko Kagamihara! 🎂 🎂


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