Monday, November 03, 2014

10 Second Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18

Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18

10 Second Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 photo 10SecondAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18_zps390b76ba.gif 

Night Raid gathers intelligence on its next target, the corrupt Bolic, but his personal bodyguard, the Rakshasa Demons confront them.


Tatsumi has been showing his combat skills lately, but it's good to be reminded that he's still the newcomer to the world of assassins. The death of comrades may not be something to get used to, like we saw with Akame when Sheele died, but it is something that he needs to learn how to cope with during missions.

I appreciate Ibara trying to give the audience some Akame fanservice, but he totally ruined it with those weird body contortions of his.

Esdeath nurse cosplay? Helloooo Nurse Esdeath!

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Esdeath Kicks photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-EsdeathKicks_zpsdba36543.gif 

Okay, okay, she was dressed as a coroner, but at least she gave us a spinning kick.

Yuck. Feeding Chelsea's body to Coro. Why does that guy eat the female dead bodies of Night Raid? That's not a metaphor I want to think about.

Yay! Leone Mai Waifu has both arms again! Good job Lubbock! Have a naked Najenda as a present for your lonely nights.

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Najenda Naked photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-NajendaNaked_zps2e259174.gif 

If they keep Lubbock's devotion to Najenda lighthearted like they did this episode, those death flags over both him and Najenda will slowly be lowered. Besides, Lubbock seems pretty capable in a fight, since he took out two Rakshasa Demons by himself. He still fought like a rogue, trying to play dead, but joining the fight to save a girl, then trying to run away again. It's their own fault for coming after him, though.

Maybe Mess couldn't help it. Lubbock did make her awfully wet...

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Lubbock Makes Mess Wet photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-LubbockMakesMessWet_zps3cbab4e5.gif 

This guy Bolic is quite the catch. Definitely a man after the Prime Minister's heart, or rather, proclivities.

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Corrupt Bolic photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-CorruptBolic_zps9cfadf06.gif 

I see a couple of dudes in there. Maybe he likes to watch, because those guys didn't look as happy to be there as the women did.

Kurome's time spent in a different assassin faction as Akame has warped her mind in a few different ways.

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Kurome Rises photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-KuromeRises_zps11cc6d5d.gif 

She thinks she needs to get better quickly, otherwise the Jaegers will kill her before they move on to the next mission. Her assassination squad may have worked like that, but Esdeath is loyal and generous to her subordinates, almost to a fault. Kurome should keep her thoughts between her and Wave, because I think Esdeath would be insulted that someone would question the quality of her weapons, or her personnel, and how she maintains them.

I guess Wave has given up on Seryu and wants to protect Kurome. Such a nice guy. Kurome may be damaged goods, but the crazy smell coming off Seryu is too much for Wave.

I do not like this turn of events at all. Not at all.

Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Mine Blushes photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-MineBlushes_zps7b218ac3.gif Omake Gif Anime - Akame ga Kill! - Episode 18 - Mine and Tatsumi photo OmakeGifAnime-AkamegaKill-Episode18-MineandTatsumi_zps6779bd9d.gif

This episode brings Mine and Tatsumi back together for a patrol, and there's entirely too much blushing, and fighting, and talk of red strings of fate. Tatsumi needs the special warmth of Leone's oppai. Tsundere Twintail doesn't provide enough tenderness. Besides, Esdeath is somewhere in the picture too.


I thought Hindu demons were supposed to be tougher than this. Four were introduced, and three are already dead within the same episode. That last one better be extra tough.

Kurome's background is turning into a liability. Her special doping by the Empire, and her psychological need to be functional or be left behind or disposed of, is making her rejoin missions when she isn't fully recovered. Esdeath isn't fooled by her bravado, but trusts her subordinate to get it together.

After seeing Esdeath's history with gutting animals in her village, I'm not surprised that she's handling autopsies by herself.

The deaths of the Rakshasa demons confirmed Night Raid's presence in the city, so the Jaegers are definitely preparing for Round 2. It seems to me Night Raid has the advantage, but we haven't seen Wave and Run at full force. The action is ramping up again, so it won't be long before we get full Jaeger on Night Raid combat.

But first, we have to see what this Founder of the Peace of Path is all about. He is going to be leading a popular revolt against the Empire, after all, so it might be nice to see what his deal is.

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