Wednesday, November 06, 2013

10 Second Anime - Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 6

Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 6

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to hunt youmu. Also, very stinky. And requires teamwork. And footwork. And costumes. Wait, I thought we were hunting youmu.

We get more character development and world details in this hijinks slife episode. For a youmu that looks like a big stupid balloon, its bounty is pretty high, and its mainly for the nuisance of collecting it. When surprised, it spouts a tremendous amount of acrid yellow liquid. Our young spirit warriors spend more time washing off the stuff and wearing gas masks than actually battling it. Mitsuki gets the worst of it, getting sprayed by a pink liquid that only others can smell, but she can't, and it can't be washed off. You have to kill the youmu to get rid of that smell.

Some of the world details revealed this week are the files on certain youmu being held by the appraisal offices, plus their magical map showing the locations of live bounties. That's how we know this stinky balloon youmu likes singing, dancing girls, which is how warriors can distract it and kill it before getting splashed with the yellow stuff. And suddenly we have a talent show episode, complete with montage, drama, choreography, singing, and costumes. Unfortunately, the Literary Club worked so hard on their routine, they forgot to come up with a battle plan. Oops, splash.

As for character development, we now know that Mirai is so poor because she keeps spending money on bonsai trees. Mitsuki's familiar can overeat and collapse during battle. It appears to like choreographed dancing as well. And Akihito explains some more of the things glasses-wearing girls do that rev his motor. Never change, Akihito, never change.

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