Thursday, March 06, 2008

D-Minus 3-2-1...

You wouldn't believe how long it took to make this animated gif. Thank God, I'm good at math...

SchmoBike 10,000! Now, now, I know that I logged 10,000 miles on my bike a long time ago, what with dead sensor batteries, not having the cycle computer turned on, or rolling through magnetic anomalies. But still, that's a lot of zeros! Heh. I had to take an extra lap around the block to get to that number too.

And here's the obligatory funny pose with the computer.


  1. Congratulations and teh yay©!!

    (I'd have done the extra turn around the block, too.)

  2. woo hoo!

    (warning - don't click on the picture unless you want a screen full of Joe.)

  3. Thanks Fatwa! I knew it would be close yesterday, since my training route for this week is 17.5 miles, and my odometer said I had 18 to go. Who knew it was exactly 18 miles? So, a short spin around the block watching the meter the entire time. Thankfully, no traffic!

  4. Sulla: Thank you! And what's wrong with an extreme close-up with yours truly? There's all that salty crusty goodness!


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