Friday, October 06, 2023

SHY - Episode 1 - SHY Pukes in Wastebasket

The superhero SHY joined a ranger show as a guest, but her moniker is more than a flashy English spelling. She vomited her anxiety away.

The amusement park with the ranger show was lucky to have SHY nearby to rescue people from a broken roller coaster. She doesn't need to speak publicly to fly up and carry people down. Unfortunately, one passenger sustained injuries when she was the last in the car when it broke free from the rail. Teru, a shy fourteen-year-old Japanese girl, shut herself in her room and could no longer transform. SHY's Russian counterpart, Spirits, tried to cheer her up.

Teru's self-confidence wavered, so she failed at transforming into her hero form to save residents of an apartment fire. A loud boy dressed like SHY tried to enter the building. That boy was the brother of the girl on the broken rollercoaster! He was also the first one SHY rescued. He told Teru that his sister was out of the hospital and would be going to school again! SHY regained her confidence and saved a mother and baby from smoke inhalation and a fiery explosion. Spirits then rescued SHY when she ran out of booster fuel. Then Pepesha, the Russian beauty behind the Spirits name, took SHY to the superhero headquarters.

How did superheroes suddenly appear and end all wars around the world? Aliens. SHY's mind was blown! But why did SHY have to know this now? Find out in the next episode!

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